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Free Breathing for Yoga Workshop with Oxygen Advantage Instructor Tiger Bye

Join us for an exclusive Oxygen Advantage Flow with Master Oxygen Advantage Instructor and International Yoga teacher Tiger Bye. Discover how to elevate your yoga experience with powerful breathing techniques that support physical, mental, and spiritual growth.


June 21st, International Yoga Day, at 4pm Irish time / 11am Eastern time

About Tiger Bye:

Tiger is a Master Oxygen Advantage instructor and International Yoga Teacher dedicated to helping individuals unlock their full potential through breathwork. With a deep understanding of the science and practice of functional breathing, Tiger brings a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to this workshop.

Tiger Bye 1


30 Minutes Yoga Session:

Begin with a rejuvenating yoga practice to prepare your body and mind.


15 Minutes Breathing Techniques:

Learn practical and effective breathing exercises to optimize your performance and wellbeing.


15 Minutes Q&A Session:

Get personalized guidance and answers to your questions from Tiger Bye during an interactive Q&A session at the end of the workshop.

Transform Your Yoga Experience by Mastering the Art of Functional Breathing

In today’s fast-paced world, chronic stress and improper breathing patterns can hinder the benefits of yoga. This workshop will teach you how to identify and correct dysfunctional breathing habits, optimize your breathing during yoga practice, and achieve greater physical, mental, and spiritual balance both on and off the mat.


Understanding Dysfunctional Breathing

Identify common signs and impacts on your health and yoga practice.


Functional Breathing Techniques

Learn practical exercises to enhance your breath control, improve oxygen delivery, and support overall stability and wellbeing.


Integrating Breathwork into Yoga

Discover how to incorporate breathing techniques into various yoga poses and flows for maximum benefit.


Science of Breathing

Gain insights into the physiological and emotional effects of breathing, backed by scientific research.

Meet your Host

Tiger Bye

Tiger Bye

Tiger Bye is an international yoga instructor who specializes in weaving Oxygen Advantage® techniques into hatha yoga practices, emphasizing the interplay between form and function. Tiger works with individuals interested in improving their breathing for fitness, focus, stress, sleep, and deep restoration. She works with groups and companies to rehabilitate postural and breathing habits during work to elevate performance and generate true wellbeing in life. She guides clients to recognize how their unconscious, habitual patterns of breathing, moving, and thinking might not serve them, in order to embody the freedom that good alignment and functional breathing provides. Tiger’s first priority with clients is awareness: from there, more choice is available and more personal power is attainable.

Join us on International Yoga Day to breathe better, move better, and live better.


Who is this Workshop for?

This Workshop is open to yoga practitioners of all levels, yoga teachers seeking to enhance their teaching in breathwork, individuals interested in. holistic health and wellness.

Do I need prior experience in yoga or breathwork to attend?

No prior experience is necessary. The workshop is designed to benefit both beginners and experienced practitioners.

What equipment do I need for the workshop?

You will need a yoga mat, comfortable clothing, and a quiet space to participate in the yoga and breathing exercises. Access to Zoom on a computer, tablet, or smartphone is also required.

What if I can't attend the workshop live?

A recording of the workshop will be available to all registered participants for a limited time after the event, so you can watch or rewatch at your convenience.

Can I ask questions during the workshop?

Yes, there will be a dedicated 15 minute Q&A session at the end of the workshop where you can ask Tiger Bye any questions you have about yoga, breathwork, and the techniques covered in the session.


International Yoga Day, June 21st at 4pm Irish time / 11am Eastern time

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