Level 2 - Advanced
Tahnee Burchmann


  • Australia

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Tahnee Burchmann has a holistic approach to health and wellness, and a commitment to empowering people with knowledge and practical skills to assist them on their journey to better physical and mental health, and better quality of life.

Tahnee is a certified Oxygen Advantage Instructor, a certified Freedive Instructor, and with a Batchelor of Health Science B.H.sc (Acu) Tahnee is also an established Dr of Chinese Medicine with post grad qualifications in advanced Japanese Style Acupuncture, running a busy clinic in Cooroy on the Sunshine Coast QLD AU. Previously having worked in Western Australia and the Northern Territory as a peal diver, and later as a coxswain / EMT (medic) on environmental research ships, Tahnee has an extensive maritime industry background in commercial diving and Emergency Medical Response, which is where she found her life’s passion for the ocean and healing.

Over the last 12 years studying and working as a clinical acupuncture practitioner, and through her intensive training as a recreational freediver, Tahnee has developed a keen awareness of how the breath influences the autonomic nervous system and impacts on physical and mental health. Through frequent clinical observations, she has witnessed first-hand how transforming dysfunctional breathing patterns with simple exercises can make significant improvements in peoples overall health and wellness. With this thorough understanding of the mechanisms of functional breathing and the automatic nervous system, and using her Oxygen Advantage Method training, Tahnee has created courses for people of all levels of physical health, mental health, fitness / sports training, and freedivers of all levels of depths and distance training.

Tahnee Burchmann

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