Michał z powodzeniem stosował ćwiczenia oddechowe u siebie i swoich podopiecznych a naturalnym kierunkiem rozwoju w tej dziedzinie było poznanie przewagi tlenowej.
„Przewaga tlenowa wzniosła mój trening oraz trening moich podopiecznych na nowy, wyższy poziom”
Obecnie pracuje m.in. z triathlonistami oraz biegaczami OCR, w których sam od niedawna startuje.
Michał jest w trakcie zakładania fundacji, której celem będzie m.in. poszerzanie świadomości wśród rodziców i ich dzieci na temat prawidłowego oddychania oraz zagrożeń wynikających ze złego oddychania w kluczowym okresie rozwoju.
Pozostałe umiejętności i uprawnienia
Instruktor StrongFirst Girya 1
Instruktor TRX SMSTC i GTC
Buteyko Clinic International Accredited Practitioner
Michał Mika lives in Świdnica. He is a personal trainer and strength training instructor. From an early age associated with sports, over 20 years he was a football player, he also played tennis and table tennis. He has always been looking for natural ways to improve health and performance in sport. The first book he read about Buteyko’s breathing method changed his life. Improved health, concentration, sleep and stress reduction prompted him to seek further information on the physiology of breath. In November 2017 he took an instructor course from the Buteyko method and half a year later, after completing the certification process, he received the instructor’s license.
Michał successfully used breathing exercises for himself and in his students, and the natural direction of development in this field was to learn about Oxygen Advantage.
“Oxygen advantage has elevated my training and training of my students to a new, higher level”
Currently work with triathlonists and OCR runners, in which he has recently started. (???)
Michał is in the process of setting up a foundation, which will include raising awareness among parents and their children about proper breathing and the risks of bad breathing in a crucial period of development.
Other skills
Instruktor StrongFirst Girya 1
Instruktor TRX SMSTC i GTC
Buteyko Clinic International Accredited Practitioner