Doświadczony mors i zdobywca wielu karkonoskich szczytów zimą w szortach. Chcąc rozwijać swoją sportową pasję oraz wspierać innych w osiąganiu lepszych wyników w różnych sportach, a także w poprawie swojego zdrowia został instruktorem Tlenowej Przewagi i metody Butejki. Miłośnik gór, sauny i holistycznego podejścia do zdrowia – wie, jak ważny jest prawidłowy oddech w sporcie i w codziennym życiu.
Adam Płusa is an instructor of the Israeli self-defence system Krav Maga. He holds the Master’s Degree of Expert 1 (black belt). He is an amateur runner and board member of the Kilometry Pomocy Association, which organizes charity runs. He is an experienced winter swimmer and conqueror of many peaks of Karkonosze Mountains during the winter in shorts.
He became an instructor of the Oxygen Advantage and the Buteyko method, as he wanted to develop his sports passion and support others in achieving better results in various sports, simultaneously improving his health. As a lover of mountains, saunas and a holistic approach to health – he knows how important proper breathing is in sports and in everyday life.