Level 1 - Functional
Aimee Hartley
United Kingdom, Wales | UK


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  • Wales | UK



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Aimee Hartley is the founder of The Breathing Room and School Breathe, organisations dedicated to improving wellbeing through breathwork. With over 15 years of experience, Aimee has trained numerous breath coaches and worked with individuals, schools, and businesses to integrate breath-focused practices. As a certified Oxygen Advantage Instructor, Aimee is excited to incorporate this advanced breathing method into her work, offering practical tools to improve respiratory function, stress management, and performance.

She will use her new expertise to enhance her breathwork courses, trainings and programmes, supporting both adults and children in achieving optimal health through the power of breath. Aimee is based in the Wye Valley and teaches, and offers trainings in London, Wales and Globally online.

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