Level 1 - Functional
Alexander Gross


  • Germany



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Movement and sport were an important part of my life as a child and teenager.
Whether it’s swimming, basketball, snowboarding or simply being outdoors.

With the start of my professional life and an increasingly inactive/sedentary lifestyle, I began to suffer from more and more complaints such as back pain.

In 2014 I decided to deal more deeply with the topics of back pain and health.
This was followed by training as a naturopath with a degree in early 2018 and as a sports therapist.

The focus of my practice is the spinal alignment according to Dorn, nutritional advice, gut health, movement and breathing training.

In my search for a holistic and natural approach to training and fitness, I discovered MovNat. After a workshop in Berlin in 2018, certification followed in 2019 and 2020.

Due to my holistic occupation with the topic of movement, I naturally also came into contact with the topic of breathing. This was followed by training as an Oxygen Advantage breathing coach.

I work as a naturopath and trainer in my practice in Freiburg, Germany.

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