Level 1 - Functional
Annette Henry


  • Germany



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As is the case for many people, important developments in my life have been prompted by need, in my case, the need to address health concerns.

Two decades ago, this led to a fascination for the power of food to heal. Specifically, a change of diet enabled me to avert further surgery for recurrent endometriosis, which has led to me working as a Plant-Based Nutrition Educator. More recently, post covid breathlessness, coupled with the realisation that I was breathing dysfunctionally, pointed me towards breathing re-education, and Buteyko.

Of course if food and breathing are genuinely effective in restoring health, and they most definitely can be, then optimising health and engaging more fully with life, both physically and mentally, become the next objectives. It is with this in mind that I have added Oxygen Advantage to my Buteyko Breathing Instructor qualification, to respond more flexibly to students. My areas of special interest in respect of The Oxygen Advantage are mindful breathing as well as focus and concentration. After a career in teaching I am only too aware of the need to train these skills.

I work in partnership with my husband, Graham, also an Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing Instructor, to provide plant-based nutrition education and breathing re-education. We live in Berlin. Most of our courses are on-line but face-to-face consultations can also be made available to those living locally.

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