Level 2 - Advanced
Anthony Mullally
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



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My name is Anthony Mullally, I am 29 years old and I am a Professional rugby player. I originally got started looking into the benefits of breathwork to enhance my performance on the pitch. But after further research and coming across Oxygen Advantage and learning the techniques which can help a lot of people just by changing their breathing mechanics. I knew I wanted to do the instructor qualification to take it a step further and help others as well as myself.

Being in professional sport for other 12 years and still playing, I’ve worked with some of the top performance specialists in my industry and have a background in Strength and conditioning. Coaching people is something I’m very familiar with and enjoy.

I do Oxygen Advantage practices daily to supplement my performance. I also hold men’s workouts and retreats which are focused on spending a suspended time off grid in nature, and breathwork is a fundamental part of these retreats.

I continue to learn from the Oxygen Advantage program and will be staying up to date with the latest studies and practices that are accessible.

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