Level 2 - Advanced
Bernd Stößlein


  • Germany



My Contacts

My name is Bernd Stößlein and I’m an internationally known strength coach/personal trainer (currently working on my Ph.D.) from Germany. I do also work as a “Heilpraktiker” (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner [allowed to diagnose and treat patients in Germany, even with invasive techniques, like i.e. infusions, injections etc.!). I was a Men’s Fitness cover model, featured in Men’s Health, “Muscle”, Flex and in Tim Ferriss’ New York Times bestseller “Tools of Titans”, just to name a few. I’m the inventor of the BAMBOO BENCH® , which was endorsed by Charles R. Poliquin (R.I.P.). Besides that I do have a well- known Fitness Blog a Personal-Training Gym and my own supplement brand.

Stößlein Bernd; MBA in Sportmanagement (University) BAMBOO BENCH Inventor Personal-Trainer Heilpraktiker (complementary and alternative medicine practitioner) Strength Coach Doktorand (Ph.D. candidate) Author Cert. Metabolic Analytics Practitioner Cert. Kinetic Chain Enhancement Practitioner Rehabilitation-Trainer

Website : www.heilpraktiker-stoesslein.de
Email : [email protected]
Tel : +0049 (0) 09221/ 8212000

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