Level 2 - Advanced
Billy Carr


  • Ireland



My Contacts

Billy Carr from County Cork in Ireland worked and managed the family seafood business for over 40 years. Having sold the business in 2017 I carried on as operations manager to ensure smooth transition until leaving in May 2019 to bring change to my life.

Having been diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 2010 and prostate cancer in 2016 both resulting from a weak immune system I wanted to have less stress in my life. I underwent a transitional year where I completed an Ironman, qualified as Life Coach and a Chi Running Instructor.

Learning the Oxygen Advantage programme and qualifying as an instructor in 2020, I amazingly learnt that my over breathing was responsible for both my muscle problems and potentially my weak immune system.

As Oxygen Advantage teaches things may change because of changing your breathing and the changes I have observed after changing my breathing.

July 2021: I was able to begin weaning off medication.

October 2021: I was free of taking all medication.

August 2022 : I completed Ironman Ireland with moderate effort level avoiding injury.

Overall improved health and wellness.

I find it very rewarding helping others achieve similar results.

Please feel free to contact me by phone or email for an understanding chat.

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