Level 1 - Functional
Carole Donkers


  • Ghana

My Contacts

My soul is at perfect peace in Serenity Oasis, our Center for Holistic Well-being in a rural community in the North of Ghana. It is a place where Ancient African technologies meet Modern Science. Where learning experiences, experience-based research and consultation show the natural way to a vibrant, fulfilling, prosperous life.

Hi, my name is Carole Donkers, born and raised in the Netherlands. In 2010, I followed a calling to Ghana and started serving local pioneers in creating the greatest possible impact via their dreams. Gradually, I evolved into a facilitator of Holistic well-being based on ancient African traditions. I combine it with a Master’s in Educational Science, specialisations in experiential learning, transformative coaching, Quantum Energy Healing and 15 years of working in profit and non-profit organisations.

Throughout life, I struggled with breathing, mainly with a blocked nose, constriction in my heart, hyperventilation and bronchitis. For over 20 years I invested in releasing blockages via physical, emotional, mental and energy healing. Breathing advice in meditation, yoga, sports, climbing mountains… It all gave some relief but did not solve the underlying cause.

Until an intuitive search on the internet led me to Oxygen Advantage® and finally! Everything fell into place! Within a few months of practice, I was liberated from all my struggles.

Ancient African traditions practice ways of channeling life energy through breathing skills. Unfortunately, most Africans got as disconnected as I was from this innate wisdom. The Oxygen Advantage® is a perfect, modern approach to reconnect people to the power of their breath. Functional breathing is the basis of programs I facilitate at the Center for Holistic Well-being in Ghana.

Additionally, I offer 1-on-1 online guidance to clients worldwide. These are mainly highly-intuitive, female healers with a calling to elevate their natural gifts and practices.

Social Media: https://www.patreon.com/CaroleDonkers

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