Level 2 - Advanced
Charlotte Kane
United States of America


  • United States of America



My Contacts

My name is Charlotte Kane and I am 34 years old. I am Swedish but I currently live and work in Santa Monica, California. I have two young sons and a husband. I am an active triathlete and for many years I ran track and field at an elite level for the Swedish National Track and Field Team. I am currently in Medical school/Dr of Physical Therapy at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

As a student and in my working profession I always strive for growth and learning. My hope is to connect and correlate research studies regarding neuroscience, breathing mechanics/biochemical and functional movement among patients with autoimmune diseases and/or cancer.

I currently work with MS and Parkinson clients and specialize in Womens Health, mostly pre- and postpartum, where we integrate breath work, Oxygen Advantage breathing programs, in the daily practice, both for recovery but also for health and fitness. Furthermore, we constantly study new research, attend seminars connected to breath/dysfunctional breathing and integrate breath practices into our daily training program for all our students. I primarily work in the Los Angeles area and in Stockholm, Sweden.

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