Chucky Cantlay


  • Zambia
Chucky is a personal trainer, father of three, avid triathlete, yoga enthusiast, road cyclist, mountain biker and all round fitness fiend based in Zambia, Africa. His interest in breathing as a tool to drastically improve health originated from his own personal journey to improve his own fitness. He attended the first XPT training course hosted Laird Hamilton, Gabby Reece, Brian McKenzie and Daren Olien where Buteyko and Wim Hof methods of breath training were intensively taught. It was a natural progression for Chucky to seek out Patrick’s teachings on a personal level, and he is now a Certified Oxygen Advantage instructor. Chucky is specifically interested in teachings parents to encourage nasal breathing in their children, to raise client’s awareness of the dramatic health improvements that result from correct breathing techniques, and to employ the techniques himself to enable him to compete in world class events such as the Swiss Epic this year in Davos, Switzerland.
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