Level 1 - Functional
David Gray
American Samoa


  • American Samoa



My Contacts

I have spent 30 years as a very successful Software Developer and Project Manager in Tech. This gives me a strong ability in applying ground-breaking ideas into everyday living. I loved this work but after burning out one too many times I knew something wasn’t right with my health.

So, I quit Tech and began a journey of how I can heal myself into a happier, healthier place. Starting in 2019 this has taken me deeply into Neo-Jungian therapy, yoga practice and learning the Wim Hof Method. People have been very interested in my journey and started asking me for help and guidance, especially the buzz around breathwork and cold water immersion.

Last year I started a cold water therapy group which is one of the first of its kind in the UK. The group provides events and workshops where I instruct breathwork and guide people into ice cold lakes and rivers to share the powerful health benefits I have enjoyed.

After reading James Nestor’s book, “Breath”, I was introduced to the teachings of Patrick Mckeown and OA. I was very impressed with my everyday breathing improvements and the cutting edge learnings.

Clearly breathwork and better breathing is a rediscovered frontier in human health and I’m obsessed about this topic now! I am rapidly expanding my breathwork/cold water immersion therapy practice in Leicester.

I only work face to face by appointment from my clinic in Leicester and also offer events and workshops from time to time. I’m happy to work with anybody who is keen to learn OA techniques but specialise in those suffering from anxiety because of my own experiences.

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