Master Instructor
Dean Gladstone


  • Australia



My Contacts

Dean is a former national gold medallist in swimming and surf lifesaving.

He is a qualified and practising Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Coach, A Wim Hof method instructor, Oxygen Advantage® instructor, and a Bondi Lifeguard. He has 20 years’ experience coaching both kids and adults.

Dean has always had an interest in the breath, being an asthmatic child and managing that through swimming training first and later diet and yoga. Dean has a strong awareness around the benefits of improving diet, hydration and nutrition, mindset and goal setting, mobility and movement and of course breath, he expanded this knowledge to include nutrition and lifestyle choices focusing less on pushing hard and more on listening to the body.

Dean’s career as a Lifeguard, literally rescuing people and bringing them back to life with the power of the breath means he has a unique and special skill set and understands the functionality of hypoxic training. His vast experience of achieving personal goals and working towards a better self allows him to approach his clients with humility, understanding and work towards best possible individual outcomes.

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