Level 2 - Advanced
Dorothy Nelson
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



My Contacts

Dorothy lives in the North East of England with her husband, two children and dog. She has over 20 years of experience working with children and families and has seen first hand the rise in anxiety and how this can affect people’s lives.

Dot has a BSc in Medical Anthropology and is intrigued how ancient breath practices can now be understood in scientific terms, making them an evidence based tool to support individuals to take control of their own health and wellbeing. Dot loves that the breath is something people can tap into at any time to alter their state of mind and physiology. She is also a Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitator where people can explore their personal psyche.

Dot struggled with breathlessness and other symptoms of asthma for most of her life but has now gained control over these, meaning she can do more of what she loves, exploring the outdoors, keeping fit and taking care of her own wellbeing. She feels passionate about helping people to gain an understanding of their breath, so they too can gain the benefits and freedom that come with better breathing.

Dorothy works with clients on a one to one or group basis preferably in person, however will also work with clients online where needed. She will take time to understand you, to support and guide you to achieve your goals. She will take you through various techniques which will alter biochemistry and biomechanics and improve breath health to improve sleep, focus and mental clarity, gain control over feelings of anxiety and improve sports performance. Dot can also deliver to groups for wellbeing workshops.

She is looking forward to meeting you!

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