Level 1 - Functional
Dr. Xenia Pestova Bennett
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



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Dr Xenia Pestova Bennett offers group and individual sessions in breathwork, meditation, yoga and performance anxiety management. She is an internationally active concert pianist and lecturer in musical performance at the University of Nottingham. Her unique perspective combines extensive performing and recording experience with accredited training as a yoga, breathwork and meditation instructor in order to create support for musicians, educators and businesses. Xenia uses Oxygen Advantage® to inform her yoga, pranayama / breathwork and performance anxiety teaching. Her past and present clients include Ad Agio Workshops for Musicians; Facebook London; Goldsmiths, University of London; Moving on Music; Sound and Music; TU Dublin; Queen’s University Belfast and the University of Nottingham.

Xenia’s current group classes include “Befriending Performance Anxiety” (for musicians, presenters and creative practitioners of all levels), “Functional Breathing for Musicians” and “Yin Yoga for Organ Health” alongside bespoke individual sessions for clients of all levels of experience, including complete beginners. She is also available to teach in person in Belfast, Nottingham or London (UK) on arrangement.

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