Level 1 - Functional
Elena Williams
United States of America


  • United States of America

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I am Elena Williams in 2005 graduated from Southwest Acupuncture College in Boulder, Colorado, and soon embarked on an enriching internship in China. By 2006, I founded Legacy Acupuncture & Herbal Therapy, then went on to work at a pain rehabilitation center in Aurora. Eventually, I joined a group of practitioners at Crowning Touch Healing Center in Parker, Colorado.

In 2010, my life took a pivotal turn when I discovered Frolov breathing training

devices and his book, Medicine for the Third Millennium. My son Daniel, who had struggled with asthma since infancy, had been reliant on albuterol and various steroids by the age of 13. His condition often limited his physical activity and affected his quality of life.

Driven by hope, I introduced him to daily breathing exercises. To my astonishment, after just 8 months of practice, he was completely free of medications and asthma symptoms (his case was presented in Toronto in August 2011 on Buteyko 3d Annual Conference by Lise Winfield Borneup from Denmark).

This transformation revealed a profound truth to me: if you wish to improve your lung health, focus on breathing exercises. I, too, experienced remarkable changes in my lung capacity, achieving breath holds of four minutes after inhalation and two and a half minutes after exhalation within six months of daily training.

This journey ignited my passion for breathing techniques, leading me to pursue certification as a breathing instructor through the Oxygen Advantage program. My experiences have not only transformed my son’s health but have also deepened my commitment to helping others discover the power of breath in healing.

I have also recently moved to Florida where I am licensed as Acupuncturist.

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