Level 2 - Advanced
Elmar Meierzedt


  • Austria



My Contacts

Conscious breathing has been part of my life since starting to practice Shaolin-Kung Fu, different forms of Yoga and meditation in 2001. It also always played an important role in my work as an Cransiosacral- and Massage-practicioner.

Over the years observing client´s breathing and realizing how breathing patterns had such a strong impact in their overall health condition, I wanted to go deeper into exploring breathwork to bring useful techiques to my clients.

As an Oxygen-Advantage Instructor, I see my role in showing clients specific ways to come into contact with themselves, learning to feel, deepen, adjust and change their breathing patterns.

Breathing can give us back focus and energy, can slow down our monkey mind, and can improve health and any performance whether beeing a loving parent, a business or sports-person, or all at once. It is always there and waits to be discovered. I am looking forward to accompany you.

In my practice I offer one-to-one breathing-sessions and also integrate breathing-exercises into the Craniosacral treatments.

Relax, breath in, breath out, relax again!
Elmar Meierzedt

Practice 1070 Vienna: Kirchengasse 41 / Top 36
Practice 1220 Vienna: Gisela-Legath-Gasse 5 / Top 22

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