Level 2 - Advanced
Frans-Willem Deliën


  • Netherlands



My Contacts

Welcome, Nice to meet You!

Are you…. – of balance – stressed – in need of change?

Do you want to…. – be better – reach your full potential – be fulfilled?

I am a (business) coach and interim manager. I have seen the effects and results of people who became aware on their breathing and changed their breath consciously to get back in a Centered State of Being. Clarity and concentration return and they are able to hold their attention on whatever they do at work and at home. They are able to FOCUS again like never before. They create changes on many different terrains in their life.

I am combining my knowledge on creating lasting change with Breathe Consciously. This is based on the Oxygen Advantage Method and you can find me as the Corporate Oxygen Advantage Coach

Breathing naturally is an absolute must to reach your full potential on any terrain in your life.

Change Your Breathing – Change Your Life

My Focus is on Wellbeing and Doing well. How can I serve people and companies best and create the biggest impact to bring this forward? That is up to you!

I can imagine you are:

  • someone who wants to Self-Develop; you take responsibility of your life and create the life you desire and you invest in yourself to become better
  • a coach who wants to get a breakthrough and better results for your clients and yourself
  • a consultant / change expert / project manager / leader / manager who believes (mental) fitness, flexibility, concentration, focus and results have a direct link to how people feel and their personal health
  • someone who knows and feels that being Centered and acting from this state will support effortless working. Whilst working with joy you may find yourself and others getting results beyond expectations at the start
  • an entrepreneur, a person who is self-employed, or owning a small business who needs help in times of crisis / desired change or who just wants to get better (results).

Imagine The Power of Breathing Together – It will Transform yourself, your relationships or even your Company!

Let’s do this: Create the Change and have some FUN!

Location: The FerryHouse (het Veerhuis) in Varik, Waalbandijk 8 the Netherlands.

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