After finding a video of Patrick on Instagram during covid describing crooked teeth and mouth breathing I soon realised I had been breathing wrongly for years causing the shape of my face to be quite pointed…I was also suffering with high anxiety due to my business being closed so these breathwork techniques really helped me to calm.
As I started to talk to my clients in more depth about their mouth breathing at my float therapy centre in Oxford, I decided it was time to become an Oxygen Advantage instructor and pass on all this great knowledge to help my clients sleep better and live better.
Before my clients float I encourage them to focus in on their breathing and then ask them to do the same as they relax in the floatation pods. This enhances the effects of the float session even more and I have super relaxed clients. The breathing techniques are a great way to reduce the perception of pain for some of my long term members.
I also work 121 with businesses in Oxfordshire to minimise stress in the work place and love to see how simply breathing functionally can limit the damage stress and anxiety does to a persons body.
To work with me you can book a 121 session via or email for enquiries at