Level 2 - Advanced
Jan Vořechovský
Czech Republic


  • Czech Republic



My Contacts

My first serious interest in physical training started with Japanese martial art Jiu-jitsu. I’ve been practicing for more than 10 years and half of that time teaching. I’ve received my black belt (1. Dan) from Hanshi Alain Sailly.

On top of studying this traditional art I’ve been involved with competitive BJJ. Competing made me explore various forms of physical preparation, including strength training and calisthenics.

After being exposed to Ido Portal Method, my attention shifted from specific disciplines to a broader perspective of human movement. I started cultivating my own movement practice and have been sharing it with others since 2015 through my project – Play Real.

Oxygen Advantage was the answer for my questions regarding breathing. It gave me insight into a very neglected and underestimated aspect of health and performance. I am implementing what I’ve learned into my teaching and personal practice. On top of that, I started teaching OA through dedicated courses. I live and teach in Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech republic.

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