Level 1 - Functional
Jannik Hansen


  • Denmark



My Contacts

Hi, my name is Jannik. I am a Danish physiotherapist and an osteopathy student. I work in a private clinic with all kinds of people. My speciality and biggest interest are working with amateur athletes with sports injuries, as well as people with chronic or unspecified pain for a long time.

I am searching for a method to combine the newest science for chronic pain, with functional body movement, and this is where my interest for conscious breathing arises. I am sure that our breath is the secret pathway to our unconscious mind, and the key to control our autonomic nervous system.

I use the oxygen advantage techniques in combination with other breathing techniques, as well as mindfulness at the end of each session. I spend a lot of time teaching people diaphragmatic breathing, and how to use this way of breathing during movement exercises.

I am working with clients individually and in larger groups. I am only working face to face in Southern Denmark, and is located on the island of Als in a small city called Nordborg.

I own my own clinic called ‘JL Sportsklinik’, which you can read more about in our social media accounts linked below.

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