Level 2 - Advanced
Jason Eastwood


  • Ireland



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My background involves movement. Having an innate sense of moving the body for my own mental health and wellbeing. Ever since I was a young kid, I was always active. Loved sports and competing. I must of went through a mountain of different sports and interests when I was younger. I learned a great deal of body confidence through it. I was more interested being mentally challenged by physical learning, understanding movement and sports than sitting in a classroom studying books and theory from a teacher. Somehow it just sunk in different. My Brain likes to learn under pressure and enjoys creative visual learning in the open. I have ADHD which is undiagnosed but I will be in the near future. I have many traits of ADHD and I am very certain about 98% sure. I only figured this out when I was in my early 30s.

I am a father of 3 daughters, two of whom live with me. They are 8 and 9 years old now. Unfortunately, back in 2019 I lost my partner Leanne due to stage 4 melanoma. It was a very rare form of cancer and aggressive condition that came out of nowhere. It left us with very little time to make decisions. Even the two hospitals Leanne went to for treatment couldn’t seem to grasp it. The whole experience left me wondering how something like this can just happen and what can be done to really understand our health, wellbeing and be in tune with our bodies.  

It was a very difficult time for our family and my young children who where 4/5 then. In the hight of early covid times just a few months later I honestly had to knuckle down and just try do my best and get my main priorities straight. The top one was to make sure my girls get through the loss and grief, to be there for them with support and love unconditionally. But How I could do that was to make sure I was ok myself mentally, that my health was intact, and that I could find a way to work through such a loss and trauma we all just experienced as a young family. 

Almost three years later I put the work in on myself and the girls. that’s what lead me to OA eventually. I Live in Drogheda, Co, Louth Ireland. 

I crossed paths with someone who helped me understand the power of the Breath and functional breathing in late 2021. 

Leo Daniel Ryan (who also lives in Drogheda).

He was coaching a Judo Class, my young girls attended it, brilliant coach with a huge passion for judo and teaching clearly. I got to know Leo a little more and I attended a couple of his breathwork workshops. That’s when I really connected with Breathing, and I wanted to understand it more deeply. Leo suggested to me to sign up for the OA advanced instructor course and he will also mentor me down the road once I get certified. 

I would like to teach online and one to ones and in small groups for my experience to develop. I personally enjoy the breathing practises and techniques from OA and noticed my health, recovery and performance improved daily. I still practise it to date. Always learning and improving old Bolt of 17 and my new Bolt today of 43 seconds.

To date – I have a background in Martial arts, competing and coaching in Jiu jitsu, Weekly Running and CrossFit to improve my aerobic capacity but now utilised with OA breathing for gaining experience, and benefits.

I teach Junior jiu jitsu to students at our local club in tullyallen for almost 2 years now and I must say it’s a tough responsibility but very rewarding.

I would like to work with clients who want to improve their breathing, health and recovery, I think I can help people who have been through trauma, I can help people who would like to improve their fitness or sport, I would like to work with people who have ADHD, I would like to help Children learn how to breath Functionally. Its early days but I know I just want to help open some eyes on the power of the Breath and functional breathing.

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