Level 1 - Functional
Josh Alward
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



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As a Transformational Coach with a background as a personal trainer, martial artist and actor, I’ve always appreciated the power of the breath. It’s incredible how something so simple and innate to all of us can be one of the most transformational resources for our performance, health and happiness. So, when I came across Oxygen Advantage® and experienced the myriad of benefits it offered, I was excited to train as an instructor so I could spread the knowledge far and wide. After all, when you’re passionate about helping people tap into resources already available to them, what more innate a resource is there than the breath?

A lot of the clients I work with are highly driven, creative or a combination of the two. Like many of us nowadays, they find themselves shooting towards their goal at a hundred miles an hour, often at the expense of their own wellbeing, frustrated by perfectionism, overwhelm or even burnout in the process.

I integrate Oxygen Advantage® methods into my programmes to help people improve their physical and mental resilience and feel more grounded; giving them a foundation they can build on to achieve their goals whilst having more energy to enjoy their journey there.

I’m based in Surrey, UK where I work online and in person, one-to-one, in groups or with organisations further afield.

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