Level 2 - Advanced
Juan Pablo Arias


  • Mexico



My Contacts

Juan Pablo Arias is 31 years old, from Mexico City he has a bachelor´s degree as a Pharmaceutical Chemist and is best known as JuanPa “El Profe Spartan”, he is best seller author of the book “Cuerpo de Acero a los 55”, expert in conditioning and running giving life to the years through exercise. 

He has worked for more than 10 years in the Mexican and international fitness industry and in the last 6 years he has dedicated to physical conditioning and giving life to people’s years through exercise seeking that they can enjoy life to the fully and without injuries. 

He has also had the opportunity to run more than 100 trail, road and obstacle races, managing to classify in 2018 for the spartan race world cup in Lake Tahoe California. 

Today JuanPa is director of training at the Functional Aging Institute Mexico (FAI) and Master Instructor of the same, is one of the two ChiRunning certified instructors in Mexico to teach this running technique that allows you to achieve running and enjoy it without injuries. 

It has little over 70 courses, certifications and workshops in multiple areas of fitness, where its Master’s Trainer degree from ISSA International Sports Science Association highlights. 

Oxygen Advantage I currently incorporate it into my SPARTAN SGX L2 training as well as part of my multifunctional conditioning program and Functional Aging Specialist, it has become a hook to make my ChiRunners fall in love with the power of body awareness through breathing and how to achieve high performance levels with it, in turn reducing stress, anxiety and patterns as common as snoring, the vast majority of my workouts now rest richer and better.
I am in Mexico City, Mexico in various clubs and studios as well as distance and virtual training.
My avatar clients are people over 40 years old, men or women with any level of training.

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