Level 2 - Advanced
Julien Billaut


  • Australia



My Contacts

Julien works with Australian Canoeing and the New South Wales Institute of Sport as a Canoe Slalom High Performance Coach towards Tokyo 2020.

He certified as an Oxygen Advantage® Instructor in Sydney in 2017.

“Mastering one of the most powerful mechanisms in our body can have a tremendous impact on both well being and performance. Because we breathe 24/7, breath training is potentially endless. I have been looking for a technique that could effortlessly trigger diaphragmatic breathing to improve the mind/ body connection. Thanks to the Oxygen Advantage, I have discovered that nose breathing and breath holds could also enhance the fitness level of my athletes through simulation of altitude training. Moving towards the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, we have now integrated the Oxygen advantage breathing techniques into our daily training and recovery.”

Julien’s coaching approach is to lead the people he works with by guiding them towards their strengths, step by step. He enjoys helping athletes grow to their full potential, allowing space for creativity and innovation. Neuroscience, breathing, behavioural psychology, optimism, creativity are a few of the fields that he love to explore and integrate into his coaching.

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