Level 2 - Advanced
Kateřina Zuckova
Czech Republic


  • Czech Republic



My Contacts

Katerina is a passionate certified yoga instructor and yoga therapist and experienced intensive care nurse. She certified as an Oxygen Advantage® Instructor with Patrick McKeown in 2018 and practise and teaches the techniques ever since.

Katerina combined yoga knowledge with her interest in sports and functional body movements to be able to run and work long nursing hours with a healthy back.  No matter how fit she was, she found the breath holds during some specific yoga practise very challenging, however, very therapeutic. Katerina believes that the key factor leading to good physical health is the breath.  Her interests in body functions and breathing brought her from England to India, the USA and back to London to complete Oxygen Advantage training where everything clicked and she realised how powerful these techniques truly are. After practising The Oxygen Advantage Techniques, her mental and physical performance rapidly developed. She enjoys free of anxiety competing marathons, triathlons, ski mountaineering and much more without any injuries.

Katerina teaches different styles of yoga and functional body movement mostly to adults. She believes that yoga practised with a correct alignment helps generally to stay fit and functional. Her students are people with different backgrounds, ages and interests. She applies yoga therapy for clients with back pain, scoliosis, abdominal discomfort and other physical problems. She helps children and adults to find the natural nasal breathing patterns to optimise many symptoms of dysfunctional breathing. She successfully supports professionals to improve their performance through breathwork. She teaches The Oxygen Advantage techniques to yoga teachers in the British Wheel of Yoga school in London. She pays attention to how we breathe and hold the body not only during the yoga lessons but throughout life.

Katerina is now based most of the time in the Czech Republic where she teaches in-person and online private, group yoga, breathing sessions and functional body movement therapy. Her nursing job is still based in London so she can be sometimes reached in person in London. Thanks to Zoom teaches regular online classes and overseas students and friends too.

She can be contacted via the website or by email (see below) to organise any desirable lesson. Alternative email [email protected]

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