Level 2 - Advanced
Kelly Reed
United States of America


  • United States of America



My Contacts

Rooted in Physical Therapy, Yoga and Mindfulness teaching, Kelly’s mission is to empower the unfolding of ones’ own ability for self-care and wellness. She brings 35 years of orthopedic and sports physical therapy experience with focus on the biomechanics of running and the triple aim of breathing: biochemistry, biomechanics and the psychosocial influences.

She is a program developer of the TAI BreathWorks program, a team collaborator and instructor with Breathe Your Truth and practices Physical Therapy at Therapeutic Associates Cedar Hills PT.

Kelly is passionate about her family, reading, nature and little acts of kindness.

Her past lives: Collegiate All – American Softball player. Chairperson of the Board, Shareholder/Partner and Director of TAI Cedar Hills PT for Therapeutic Associates PT, Physical Therapy Degree from Pacific University, Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist, Breath Work certifications from Better Physiology and the Oxygen Advantage.

[email protected]

Email: [email protected]

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