Level 2 - Advanced
Kelly Wells
United States of America


  • United States of America



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Dr. Kelly Wells is an SOT chiropractor and craniopath specializing in orofacial development. She works as part of an integrative team to address the underlying issues impacting airway health.

Dr. Kelly graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2005 with a previous background in kinesiology and Olympic-style weightlifting. After 15 years focusing on athletics and performance, she became a chiropractor and completed over 150 hours training in Sacro Occipital Technique and craniopathy. Personal experiences led her to get involved in dental/orthodontic and TMJ co-treatment in 2009. When her own newborn struggled with severe sleep, feeding, and sensory challenges in 2011, she trained extensively with the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association.

Dr. Kelly’s orofacial myology training includes tongue/lip tie assessment (including infants) and specialized pre & post-op frenectomy protocols for all ages. She is board certified in Chiropractic and Physiotherapy, has extensive training in nutrition. She holds a diplomate from Buteyko Clinic and teaches the method to professionals. Dr. Kelly is also a certified Oxygen Advantage instructor. She is involved in breastfeeding education and is adjunct faculty teaching Anatomy & Physiology I & II. Since 2017 she has been speaking to professionals internationally on the importance of facial and airway development.

The Functional Therapy Centre

700 E Main St Suite B St. Charles, Illinois

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