Leonardo Pelagotti
France, Italy


  • France
  • Italy


Gymnast at national level for 15 years, black belt in Kung-fu Shaolin, Animal Flow Coach, I have been interested in the development of mind and body training, meditation and breathing techniques since very young age. Then I started Yoga and after several years that lead me to becoming an Instructor of the Wim Hof Method in 2017. Since I have trained thousands of people to overcome their fears and mental limitations and improve their performances thanks to the power of the mind, the breathing and the cold. I have a complete and holistic approach to optimize health and performance.

My scientific background allows me to understand and explain the physiological and biological processes of Breathing. Being the ambassador of the Wim Hof Method in France and Italy, I have developed a good pedagogical approach. I will use this also for my role as Master Instructor for Oxygen Advantage in France and Italy.

I am the Founder of INSPIRE POTENTIAL and I travel France, Italy and Europe to give courses, retreats and workshops on Breathwork, Wim Hof Method, Oxygen Advantage, movement culture and Yoga.

Overcoming mental limitations, expanding our inner potential and increasing our self-consciousness to boost performance are the areas where I focus. To be healthy and focused for bringing sport performance to another level.

I am based in Paris but I travel to teach in all France and Italy. I teach in French, English and Italian accordingly.

Youtube: INSPIRE Potential

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