Level 1 - Functional
Lindsay Holder
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom

My Contacts

Greetings! I’m Lindsay and I work in the breathtaking Malvern Hills in Worcestershire as a bodyworker. My specialty is soft tissue work using Bowen Therapy, Laser, and Kinesiology.

My main goal is to assist individuals in achieving balance and living a pain-free life. A functional body and breathing go hand in hand, and I’m here to help you achieve both.
As a mother of two wonderful boys, I aim to give them a solid foundation for life.

In the Western world, incorrect breathing patterns can have a profound impact on our structure. As a therapist and instructor, I strive to empower people to make positive changes. I love the quote, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” 

While I like to combine breathwork and bodywork since they have a significant influence on one another, I also offer online breathwork sessions for people of all ages.
Learn more about me as a partner of The Centre for Wellbeing, a multi-disciplinary clinic, here – www.centreforwellbeing.co.uk

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