Level 1 - Functional
Lizzie Hawes
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



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My name is Lizzie Hawes and I am a yoga teacher from Brighton, UK. I teach both face to face and online depending on my clients needs.

I first stumbled across Oxygen Advantage through another certified teacher offering simple 30 minute breath work practices online during lockdown. They allowed me to find a deep meditation, feel rejuvenated and sometimes experience deep emotions.

Furthermore, in my yoga self-practice I have become curious about restorative modalities, ones that do not require physical movement – I decided that the science of the breath should be something I learn about so that I can educate myself and tailor sessions to specific needs of my client.

I would like to share the power of the breath with clients struggling with any symptoms relating to stress because although we cannot control involuntary functions of the body, we can help to down regulate stress responses, and this is extremely helpful for overall wellbeing and coping mechanisms. 

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