Hi I’m Lucia, from Slovakia. I‘m mainly working in the Slovak and the Czech Republic, but I‘m also leading courses abroad. I’m the founder and the president of the Slovak Nordic Walking Association and the author of the book Modern Nordic Walking.
I first became interested in healthy active movement after ending my top career as a basketball player. I had many problems with the musculoskeletal system as a former athlete, because I was doing sports since I was three years old.
I have been developing the Association, training clients and teaching nordic walking in groups for the past 12 years. I have studied topics such as healthy active walking, physio stretching, spiral stabilization of the spine, mindfulness, etc. I became the National Coach of the World Modern Nordic Walking Academy.
Through continued study and building interest in healthy functional movement I advanced to functional breathing. So I did my private several-month research to decide which direction to choose in the field of breathing. The opportunity to become an advanced instructor with Oxygen Advantage was the best for me. I continue to educate my existing clients with functional breathing, interconnect this profound knowledge of walking and breathing and implement it into group classes and specialised workshops. I work with a broad span of clients ranging from kids, adults, sportsmen and patients to seniors. I am also educating and leading new instructors of Nordic Walking.
I am helping people with the need to slow down, breathe and to use the power of breathing for various situations not only during training, but on a consistent daily basis.
Level 2 - Advanced
Lucia Okoličányová
Czech Republic, Slovakia
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia