Level 2 - Advanced
Lyanne Pugh
United Kingdom


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Hi. My name is Lyanne and I started my journey with the breath in 2020. In the course of a year, I experienced some significant life changes and truly believe was led back to my breath, discovering just how impactful it was as a tool to support me and guide me, igniting a fire within for everything breath related!

Through my passion for breathwork and going on to study at different schools with a multitude of teaches, my practice includes a varied approach. Encouraging a reconnection to our own unique “breath personality”, shaped through every experience, situation and circumstance we have lived and with gentle curiosity, inviting an exploration to the story our breath holds and how that is held within our bodies.

My journey with the breath so far has led me to some incredible places, both within myself and the world around me and has been a truly transformative process, for which I’m everyday grateful!

My enthusiasm for the breath is amplified by having the honour to work 1-2-1 with clients, in groups, at festivals, gyms and even at birthday parties! The breath as my valued companion, guiding me on my way.

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