Level 1 - Functional
Marie Hjalmarsson
Denmark, Norway, Spain, Sweden


  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • Sweden



My Contacts

Back to basic – a life with energy and a good physical and mental health, with a Swedish licensed psychologist and specialist in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. My name is Marie Hjalmarsson, 61 years’ experience of life, born in Lapland in Sweden now living and working in Denmark, Copenhagen, and Spain Marbella. I have been travelling and working around the world, as a diving and skiing instructor and now as a psychologist and an Oxygen Advantage®Functional Breathing Instructor. The breath and breathing have always been very important and dear to me. I have done a lot of training and with also with a lot of experience, and now I have finally found a straightforward and very effective method in the Oxygen Advantage. Join me in a training that will help you to regain your health and improve your health.

On-line, and In-person, Copenhagen, Denmark and Marbella, Spain.
Visit may homepage to read more about me and send me an e-mail so we can establish contact and find out how I can assist you in regaining your healthy self and your true staying healthy power. 😊

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