Level 1 - Functional
Marty Josey, MSN, CHC
United States of America


  • United States of America



My Contacts

Marty is a life strategies coach, a health coach, and a performance/breath coach. He is a graduate of the Tony Robbins strategic intervention coaching program. He is a former Stress Management Counselor and Life Coach for Duke University Health System’s cardiac rehab and wellness program. He has a Masters degree in Nursing with a specialization in Education, and is board certified in psychiatric nursing. He is also a certified Health Coach and NLP practitioner.

Marty is a veteran of the US Army and served with the 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment as a Radio Teletype operator and a Combat Medic. When not helping other through coaching you can probably find Marty on the Martial Arts mat. He has trained for over thirty years and holds a black belt in Karate and a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). In 2019 he won the Masters-6 World BJJ championship for his division.

Marty works with all kinds of people but especially enjoys working with heath/medical personnel and athletes. He is available for face to face and zoom/Skype sessions.

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