Level 2 - Advanced
Matthew Jones
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



My Contacts

My name is Matthew, I specialise in training of the Mind. I coach people that are going through deep transitions in life, and a clear, open, flexible, and powerful Mind is essential, both for outer efficacy and inner fulfilment.

The Mind cannot be trained effectively without including the Body, and the Breath is the link between them. I practice and teach Meditation from an Eastern tradition; my own practice also includes multiple breathwork techniques.

I choose to utilise the Oxygen Advantage system into my work because it is clear, simple, evidence based and highly efficient. We live busy and fast lives, our attention has never been under such demand, we need rapid and effective techniques to build up the capacity to deal with life’s challenges.

The Oxygen Advantage is a system that has been tried and tested to provide astonishing results in Sports Performance. My personal experience is that the benefits of the system extend far beyond Sports, improving Performance in other domains such as Business, but also enriching each experience as the training deepens both Presence and Embodiment.

I would be honoured to share the Oxygen Advantage system with you, if you would benefit from: increased mental focus, more energy, deep revitalising sleep and greater clarity, then please get in touch.

I am based in Wiltshire in the UK.

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