Level 1 - Functional
Missy Sawyer
United States of America


  • United States of America



My Contacts

Missy Sawyer is a National Board Certified Primary Montessori public school teacher based in Columbia, South Carolina.

She is a certified Buteyko Instructor and a Breathing for Yoga Oxygen Advantage Instructor. She holds certifications as a 200 hour Yoga Teacher, 95 hour Children’s Yoga Teacher, and as a Breathing Coach.

She incorporates Buteyko protocols and Oxygen Advantage methods in schools to support the functional breathing needs of students and staff. During the COVID pandemic, she noticed that her students and co-workers were primarily chest breathers. Using protocols for children in the Buteyko method and exercises incorporated from Oxygen Advantage, she was able to aid her students and co-workers in to becoming functional breathers who are able to self-regulate.

She is currently seeing private clients on a case-by-case basis, and prefers to work with educators and other support staff to bring functional breathing methods in to the classrooms to support social and emotional regulation.

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