Level 1 - Functional
Neil Jayawardena


  • Australia



My Contacts

Since my childhood I have always wanted to stay fit and healthy.  I learnt that our wellness comes not just from physical health, but from mental health and spiritual health as well, and our mind and body and possibly even spirit, all work together to make you feel great. My personal development adventure has taken me through purpose driven and meaningful daily activities from the beginning. I was encouraged to spend time outside and take part in college and community sport activities and also religious activities. During weekends it was a gathering of family and friends enjoying a team sport like backyard cricket and enjoying great camaraderie and a shared meal.  From childhood I was guided by my grandmother to meditate with my elders and siblings.  I was also taught to be grateful and appreciate the little things in life.

In transitioning from childhood to adulthood I have been passionate and eager to learn optimal functioning of physical health. I have practised functional training methodology and delivered exercises that incorporate into every day movements.

Today many people struggle to move their own bodyweight without compensating their personal health. I have trained myself with a variety of physical activities for every part of the body to be highly functional and assessed and designed functional exercises for practical use.

As part of the physical activities, I have incorporated functional breathing as a unique foundation to functional movement and integrated this to my training methodology.

As breathing practices enhance physical and mental wellbeing, I can teach my students how to incorporate breathing for optimal functioning of the body as well as to improve biomechanically and biochemically.

I live in Melbourne, Australia.  I can assist people who have on-going physical health issues like back injuries, high blood pressure and diabetes and also mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, aches and niggling pain.  Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin that improves mood and physical wellbeing and also improve quality of sleep.  Programs will be designed to suit individual needs and fitness levels which will have guaranteed results to reduce above symptoms.

If you too would like to take control of your physical and mental wellbeing please feel free to contact me: Neil Jayawardena.

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