Level 1 - Functional
Nina Flintham
United Kingdom


  • United Kingdom



My Contacts

My name is Nina Flintham, I am an experienced Breathwork coach and sports massage therapist, also soon to be a qualified TRE provider.

I first discovered Breathwork 13 years ago and it was lifechanging for me. Being aware of the breath and understanding the vital link it had to my physical and mental wellbeing was truly transformational; there is nothing else quite like it.

I am a certified Oxygen Advantage Instructor and Conscious Connected Breathwork Practitioner and am also a member of the International Breathwork Foundation.

I work with a wide range of clients ranging in age from 5 years to 90 years of age from those suffering with anxiety and panic attacks, to elite athletes and then long-term conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Long Covid and much more. I am passionate about working with people who have come to a crossroads in their lives, whether that is realising they are sick of struggling to get though life day to day and want to feel and live life more fully. Or people that feel their breath is holding them back in their professional or sporting careers.

Using a range of functional and transformational breathing techniques I can help you go from feeling stressed and anxious, to feeling calm, energised and focused. All my sessions are personalised to ensure you get the most out of each and every session.

Whether you are keen to learn more about Breathwork, would like to find strategies to optimise your performance or are looking for ways to improve your mental, physical and emotional health, I’m here to give you the tools and support that you need.

I am based in Wadhurst, East Sussex and offer both 1:1 and group Functional and Conscious Connected Breathwork sessions in person and online. I also take part in events and workshops across the UK.

To find out more please get in touch to book a free discovery call or visit my website for more information.

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