As an integrative psychotherapist, I have been focusing strongly on the body for years. A tranquil body fosters a peaceful mind. Thankfully, nature has equipped us with the means to achieve a tranquil state: deep sleep, REM sleep, and good breathing.
Over the years, I have mastered various techniques such as heart coherence, acupressure (EFT), eye movements (EMDR), but the foundation of everything remains good breathing because it is the foundation of a calm nervous system.
I have tried countless breathing techniques: heart coherence breathing, breathing in yoga classes, cyclical hyperventilation (like Wim Hof), and so on. While these techniques are useful at the moment, they do not change your 24/7 breathing.
Unfortunately, I often find that clients have been practicing these techniques for years but still chronically hyperventilate in daily life. I noticed that the exercises they engaged in sometimes even intensified their hyperventilation. That is why I am such a big fan of Patrick McKeown and The Oxygen Advantage. His techniques bring calm when needed, improve performance if desired, and optimize your breathing 24 hours a day.
For someone who chronically hyperventilates, there is no greater gift than solving this hyperventilation. With The Oxygen Advantage techniques, that is possible and achievable, and that is why I am so enthusiastic about it!
For years, I have been dedicated to helping individuals who suffer from chronic hyperventilation. As a psychotherapist, I also specialize in working with those experiencing anxiety or burnout, focusing on building resilience. Additionally, I enjoy assisting people in enhancing their performance through effective breathing techniques.
Based in Haacht, Belgium, I offer in-person or online consultations. I also conduct workshops and training sessions for companies, psychotherapists, and physiotherapists.
Contact Information:
Email : [email protected]
Phone : 0032473893708
Website :