Level 2 - Advanced
Robin Stolberg


  • Thailand

My Contacts

I call myself a “Natural Biohacker” and high performance coach for entrepreneurs which are craving a successful life both in terms of health and holistic success and happiness in their work. I am German but travelling the world as I coach online but I teach and practice also during my journey mainly in Central/South America, Thailand and Europe.

Breathwork was always an important tool for me and my clients. I started with yogic breathing techniques and transformative breathing while also working with Wim Hof himself. With the Oxygen Advantage Method, I wanted to dive deeper in the science of breathing and help people to optimise their breathing patterns in their daily life and stress.

With “Natural Biohacking” such as breathwork, meditation & sound healing I support busy entrepreneurs, coaches & founders to create more balance and flow in their life. Bringing them from stress, confusion and anxiety to become a stronger but more energized and calmer version of themselves while fulfilling their missions and visions with more ease and happiness.

Therefore we bring them together in a powerful group program where they can connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs and evolve together into a life of balance and wholeness. The “Natural Biohacking Method” contains powerful breathing techniques and intuitive sound meditations journey, but we also help our clients to integrate structure and healthy routines and habits into their busy schedule. For this our biohacking methods always combines ancient wisdom with modern science to get the full experience of body and mind transformation. We also offer retreats and workshops worldwide where we work with biohacking, ancestral medicine & bringing people beyond their comfort zones.

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