Level 2 - Advanced
Rodolfo Urdiain Farcug


  • Mexico



My Contacts

Rodolfo Urdiain Farcug is one of the consultants and coaches of service sales teams, a specialist in the Educational Segment and Services, most widely recognized for contributing to the main groups of Private Universities in the world.

He has worked with more than 10,000 salespeople and sales leaders, using essential methodologies.

He has recently incorporated different technologies to increase performance and increase the resilience of his clients.

With a unique mix of knowledge and practice, he is certified in NeuroDynamic Breathing. Oxygen Advantage is a competitive advantage for his clients, reporting improvements in productivity and performance at average levels of 20%.

He mainly works in Mexico, although he serves clients in North America, Central America, South America, and North Africa (Tunisia).

It is a perfect mix to increase sales and performance.

He got to know Oxygen Advantage by reading and looking for the most significant breakthroughs in performance and productivity.

“The world of high-performance sports, and the world of high-performance business, need world-class technology to succeed.”


One on one and IN-Company Programs.

Schedule a call.

Always write PERFORMANCE as a contact topic when contacting by email or LinkedIn.

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