Level 2 - Advanced
Santiago González


  • Uruguay



My Contacts

I am from Uruguay, South America. I’m a Filmmaker, Martial Arts enthusiast, Surfer, Strength Trainer and have a Lifeguard Techincal degree from the Physical Education University of Uruguay.

Along with my partner, a dancer and a Bachelor in Physical Education, we have founded Simple, a movement school focused on health and performance. Breathwork is at the center of what I’ve done these past few years while Lifeguarding, Strength Training and shooting film, but the Oxygen Advantage methodology has given us the chance to apply new and objective techniques to better the quality of life and performance of the people around us.

We have experienced the benefits of this breathing training in our own lives and have made them part of our lifestyle. The science based approach of OA has been a great match for our scientifically driven strength and mobility training designed specifically around the robust scientific knowledge existing for the development of stability for all individuals looking to feel, work or play better.

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