Level 2 - Advanced
Stefan Merkl


  • Germany



My Contacts

Ever since I can remember, I was a lover of martial arts and science. The common denominator of both is a seriously playful approach to life. Before I was able to realize this, I had to overcome severe health issues which posed what I call obstacle-opportunities for my development. In overcoming such adversities, I eventually became a biologist and philosopher. I earned a doctorate in biology and co-founded a start-up company involved in early drug discovery campaigns. In parallel, I evolved into a martial arts instructor and a lover of life.

A turning point in my life was the death of my Taiwanese Gong Fu teacher who taught me Xingyiquan and Taijiquan. Witnessing his dealing with life in the face of death made me realize that neither health nor happiness are things that happen to us but are of our own making. In parallel, my life as entrepreneur was a life in free fall. It taught me that to let go off control can at times be the only appropriate means of control.

It was in this melange that I found those pivotal opportunities and food for thought to reconcile many of the inconsistencies and opportunities of life. I´m deeply rooted in a science-based way of thinking which revolves around the core ideas of pragmatism and the embodied mind. I supplemented my own practice with my new love Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and breathwork.

In my work with clients, I focus on breathwork, sleep, movement and nutrition. Oxygen Advantage suits very well to my approach. I would love to work with clients in Germany (Marburg-Frankfurt (Main) region), which want to build a strong foundation to face adversity at work, in private life and sports performance. Especially I want to reach out to companies which truly realize that their employee´s welfare and performance go hand in hand.

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