Level 2 - Advanced
Stuart Jamieson


  • Scotland



My Contacts

My name is Stuart Jamieson and I am a personal trainer based in Linlithgow, Scotland. I teach small group personal training programs, Chi Running Instructor, Gravity Yoga teacher, Meditation and mindfulness teacher and Animal Flow Instructor. I teach both online and in person.

The people I normally work with are busy parents who are looking to stay strong, fit, healthy and happy while keeping the impact of time spent training to a minimum. This is one thing I like about Oxygen Advantage, it can be easily integrated into your day with only a little effort.

I take part in adventure runs and ultra-marathons and have really enjoyed the results I have gained from practicing Oxygen Advantage. It has had a big effect on not only my fitness but also, I feel on my recovery allowing me to complete back to back Ultra runs on occasions.

I have enjoyed bringing some of the exercises into my meditation practice which has really helped me gain focus and minimize anxiety.

I am available to teach 1-2-1, workshops or organizations and teams.

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