Level 1 - Functional
Susan McAvoy


  • Scotland



My Contacts

Over my diverse career as a professional portrait artist, complementary therapist and teacher, as a behavioural scientist, lecturer, staff development & organisational development senior lecturer and now as a business owner, I have been guided by one central theme: people.       

I am very much a ‘people person’.

I have been teaching psychology and sociology in universities & colleges for 25 years and 30 years of experience within complementary therapies. My study of transpersonal and Buddhist psychology dates back to my thesis linking psychology, consciousness and quantum physics in 1997 helping me gain a First Class BSc. Degree in Behavioural Sciences.  I have since gained a Masters Level Teaching Qualification and a Postgraduate Diploma which focused on the social and emotional skills of college lecturers. 

I am an independent mindfulness teacher as well as retaining a role in one of Scotland’s largest colleges, teaching sociology, psychology and mindfulness to students and staff while also teaching mindfulness to young people aged 7 – 18 years with Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) courses.  

My own experience of dysfunctional breathing led me to study with Oxygen Advantage specifically to interweave the knowledge into my mindfulness teaching.  As Patrick (McKeown) says, breathing must come first before learning mindfulness and this has been my experience to date.  If functional breathing is not in place the wonderful strategies mindfulness offers can be largely wasted. 

I teach in the East of Scotland and can offer both online and in person teaching of mindfulness and functional breathing. I work in educational and corporate settings training staff and learners.

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