Level 2 - Advanced
Susan O’Neill


  • Ireland



My Contacts

Susan is the owner of Sandymount Sports Injury Clinic in Dublin Ireland, her journey began 10 years ago as a Physical Therapist, through Physical Therapy, Sports Massage, Medical Pilates, Reformer, Dry Needling, Sports Kinesio Taping & Chinese Cupping, she has developed protocols for each client wanting to take charge of their own health.

From better posture, to Athletes prehab/ rehab, it’s all about what and how to infiltrate and set up programs for her clients. Susan works with Olympic athletes to non-athletes, amateurs and the general population.

You never know who walks through my clinic, sometimes the pain is never were the problem is, sometimes there is more behind the reason why her clients are suffering in pain, that hip pain could be coming from a tight Psoas Muscle or not breathing properly. The Diaphragm gets tight, stress and Fascia can impact a spasmed muscle. Her main focus is to take each client as her first, stay humble and the more tools she has in her box the better it is to treat her clients.

Her journey began in Breathwork a year ago, sitting at a table talking to a former Russian Boxer, now in his mid-forties in Ireland, Igor and Susan began talking about breathing and its impact on sports , Igor talked about back in Russia in the early 80s , his Coach had them do breatholds in basins of water in the gym , a protocol of thinking, improve your breath improve your performance to go the rounds .

This set the seed to delve into the science of Breathing, from there implementing the science of Breathing in her practice was born and after reading Oxygen advantage, she set out to study and become qualified. When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful. Oxygen advantage is a tool for you to make gains in your sport, compete with your own breath, be the master of it, you are your own competition. Clients now see the benefits, please check below and if this is for you, feel free to contact the clinic.

  • Achieve your Personal Best
  • Delay Lactic Acid & Fatigue
  • Improve Repeated Sprint Ability
  • Prevent Gassing Out Too Soon
  • Stimulate Anaerobic Glycolysis
  • Push Your Limits
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