Level 2 - Advanced
Tomi Rantanen


  • Finland



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I coach to provide everyone with information and tools they need to live better, more fulfilling lives.

I define the four cornerstones of health and energy as breathing, sleep, nutrition and exercise. There’s no shortage of advice on the last three, but breath is still mostly ignored. However, because it’s the one that most affects the others, it should always be the starting point!

Once breathing is improved, it becomes much easier to create the foundation for good health. With solid cornerstones, productivity and purpose follow almost naturally.

After years of fear, brain fog and lack of energy, breathing techniques helped me discover an inner strength and drive I never knew existed. Since then, I’ve wanted to understand as much about the topic as I could, so that I could share and coach the tools that have helped me so profoundly.

Coaching objectives include learning functional breathing, calming the mind and energising the body. I provide easy tools that help you track step-by-step progress as your breathing efficiency levels up. Then the option is to delve into advanced breathing techniques and higher performance or to direct the newfound energy towards other areas of health, work and life.

Online teaching is available in Finnish and English.

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